Sunday, March 6, 2011

Is a Village responsible to raise a child?

            In my survey I asked some basic questions such as: Gender, married or single, hours worked each week, and how many children they had.  I wondered if there would be a difference of opinion between men or women.  The majority of people who answered my survey were women.  The number of women who agreed or disagreed with the statement that a village is responsible to raise a child was almost split 50-50.  There were 15 women who agreed with the statement and 12 who disagreed.  With men the numbers were split five to two; five who agreed with the statement and 2 who did not.   
            Secondly, I wondered if there would be a difference in answers depending if the person was single or married.  I sent the survey to a many in both groups, however, I only had one person who was single answered the survey and she was widowed.  So I believe for the purpose of this survey, she would be considered married. 
            Next I asked how many hours a week did you work.  I wondered if there would be a difference in opinions depending on how many hours a week they spent working.  I wish I would have added a question that asked how many hours a week do you spend interacting with your children.  I think this would have added insight regarding if the number of hours spent at work lessened the amount of time with their children.  Thus this might have influenced who they felt were responsible to raise their children.    
            I wrote, “A village is responsible to raise a child”.  Then I asked the question if they agreed or disagreed with this statement.  Next I asked them to explain their answer.  Those who disagreed with the statement were all in agreement that the responsibility belonged to the parents and that the village was to be a support system, not responsible.    There were many who agreed that the village was responsible. As they explained their answers it seemed that even though they felt the village was responsible, most all of them agreed it was not totally responsible.  The parent was ultimately responsible.  I am very glad I asked them to explain their answers, because the answers validated my argument for my paper. 
            My last two questions asked the reader to rate the importance they felt the village and the parent had in raising a child.  These answers coincide with their previous questions.  Those that felt the village was responsible rated the village’s importance higher; however, no one rated it ten on the scale.  Those that had disagreed rated the village lower in importance.
            I found it very interesting that 100% of those that took the survey rated the importance of a parent in raising a child at ten, which was the highest point.  Regardless of what they answered previously every one answered that the parent was the most important in raising a child.

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